utils package


utils.constants module

utils.language_utils module

Utils for language models.

utils.language_utils.bag_of_words(line, vocab)[source]

Returns bag of words representation of given phrase using given vocab.

  • line – string representing phrase to be parsed
  • vocab – dictionary with words as keys and indices as values

integer list


Returns one-hot representation of given letter.

utils.language_utils.line_to_indices(line, indd, max_words=25)[source]

Converts given phrase into list of word indices

if the phrase has more than max_words words, returns a list containing indices of the first max_words words if the phrase has less than max_words words, repeatedly appends integer representing unknown index to returned list until the list’s length is max_words

  • line – string representing phrase/sequence of words
  • indd – dictionary with string words as keys and int indices as values
  • max_words – maximum number of word indices in returned list

list of word indices, one index for each word in phrase

Return type:



Split given line/phrase into list of words

Parameters:line – string representing phrase to be split
Returns:list of strings, with each string representing a word
utils.language_utils.val_to_vec(size, val)[source]

Converts target into one-hot.

  • size – Size of vector.
  • val – Integer in range [0, size].

one-hot vector with a 1 in the val element.

Return type:



returns a list of character indices

Parameters:word – string
Returns:int list with length len(word)
Return type:indices

utils.model_utils module

utils.model_utils.batch_data(data, batch_size)[source]

data is a dict := {‘x’: [list], ‘y’: [list]} returns x, y, which are both lists of size-batch_size lists

utils.model_utils.read_data(train_data_dir, test_data_dir)[source]

parses data in given train and test data directories

assumes: - the data in the input directories are .json files with

keys ‘users’ and ‘user_data’
  • the set of train set users is the same as the set of test set users
Returns:list of client ids groups: list of group ids; empty list if none found train_data: dictionary of train data test_data: dictionary of test data
Return type:clients

utils.tf_utils module


Returns the size of the given graph in bytes

The size of the graph is calculated by summing up the sizes of each trainable variable. The sizes of variables are calculated by multiplying the number of bytes in their dtype with their number of elements, captured in their shape attribute

Parameters:graph – TF graph
Returns:integer representing size of graph (in bytes)

Module contents