Source code for utils.language_utils

"""Utils for language models."""

import json
import numpy as np
import re

# ------------------------
# utils for shakespeare dataset


def _one_hot(index, size):
    """Returns one-hot vector with given size and value 1 at given index."""
    vec = [0 for _ in range(size)]
    vec[int(index)] = 1
    return vec

[docs]def letter_to_vec(letter): """Returns one-hot representation of given letter.""" index = max(0,ALL_LETTERS.find(letter)) # treating ' ' as unknown character return _one_hot(index, NUM_LETTERS)
[docs]def word_to_indices(word): '''returns a list of character indices Args: word: string Return: indices: int list with length len(word) ''' indices = [] for c in word: indices.append(max(0, ALL_LETTERS.find(c))) # added max to account for -1 return indices
# ------------------------ # utils for sent140 dataset
[docs]def split_line(line): """Split given line/phrase into list of words Args: line: string representing phrase to be split Return: list of strings, with each string representing a word """ return re.findall(r"[\w']+|[.,!?;]", line)
def _word_to_index(word, indd): """Returns index of given word based on given lookup dictionary returns the length of the lookup dictionary if word not found Args: word: string indd: dictionary with string words as keys and int indices as values """ if word in indd: return indd[word] else: return len(indd)
[docs]def line_to_indices(line, indd, max_words=25): """Converts given phrase into list of word indices if the phrase has more than max_words words, returns a list containing indices of the first max_words words if the phrase has less than max_words words, repeatedly appends integer representing unknown index to returned list until the list's length is max_words Args: line: string representing phrase/sequence of words indd: dictionary with string words as keys and int indices as values max_words: maximum number of word indices in returned list Return: indl: list of word indices, one index for each word in phrase """ line_list = split_line(line) # split phrase in words indl = [] for word in line_list: cind = _word_to_index(word, indd) indl.append(cind) if (len(indl) == max_words): break for i in range(max_words - len(indl)): indl.append(len(indd)) return indl
[docs]def bag_of_words(line, vocab): """Returns bag of words representation of given phrase using given vocab. Args: line: string representing phrase to be parsed vocab: dictionary with words as keys and indices as values Return: integer list """ bag = [0]*len(vocab) words = split_line(line) for w in words: if w in vocab: bag[vocab[w]] += 1 return bag
[docs]def get_word_emb_arr(path): with open(path, 'r') as inf: embs = json.load(inf) vocab = embs['vocab'] word_emb_arr = np.array(embs['emba']) indd = {} for i in range(len(vocab)): indd[vocab[i]] = i vocab = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(embs['vocab'])} return word_emb_arr, indd, vocab
[docs]def val_to_vec(size, val): """Converts target into one-hot. Args: size: Size of vector. val: Integer in range [0, size]. Returns: vec: one-hot vector with a 1 in the val element. """ assert 0 <= val < size vec = [0 for _ in range(size)] vec[int(val)] = 1 return vec