Source code for metrics.visualization_utils

"""Helper to visualize metrics."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import sys

from decimal import Decimal

models_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))

from baseline_constants import (

[docs]def load_data(stat_metrics_file='stat_metrics.csv', sys_metrics_file='sys_metrics.csv'): """Loads the data from the given stat_metric and sys_metric files.""" stat_metrics = pd.read_csv(stat_metrics_file) if stat_metrics_file else None sys_metrics = pd.read_csv(sys_metrics_file) if sys_metrics_file else None if stat_metrics is not None: stat_metrics.sort_values(by=NUM_ROUND_KEY, inplace=True) if sys_metrics is not None: sys_metrics.sort_values(by=NUM_ROUND_KEY, inplace=True) return stat_metrics, sys_metrics
def _set_plot_properties(properties): """Sets some plt properties.""" if 'xlim' in properties: plt.xlim(properties['xlim']) if 'ylim' in properties: plt.ylim(properties['ylim']) if 'xlabel' in properties: plt.xlabel(properties['xlabel']) if 'ylabel' in properties: plt.ylabel(properties['ylabel'])
[docs]def plot_accuracy_vs_round_number(stat_metrics, weighted=False, plot_stds=False, figsize=(10, 8), title_fontsize=16, **kwargs): """Plots the clients' average test accuracy vs. the round number. Args: stat_metrics: pd.DataFrame as written by weighted: Whether the average across clients should be weighted by number of test samples. plot_stds: Whether to plot error bars corresponding to the std between users. figsize: Size of the plot as specified by plt.figure(). title_fontsize: Font size for the plot's title. kwargs: Arguments to be passed to _set_plot_properties.""" plt.figure(figsize=figsize) title_weighted = 'Weighted' if weighted else 'Unweighted' plt.title('Accuracy vs Round Number (%s)' % title_weighted, fontsize=title_fontsize) if weighted: accuracies = stat_metrics.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY).apply(_weighted_mean, ACCURACY_KEY, NUM_SAMPLES_KEY) accuracies = accuracies.reset_index(name=ACCURACY_KEY) stds = stat_metrics.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY).apply(_weighted_std, ACCURACY_KEY, NUM_SAMPLES_KEY) stds = stds.reset_index(name=ACCURACY_KEY) else: accuracies = stat_metrics.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY, as_index=False).mean() stds = stat_metrics.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY, as_index=False).std() if plot_stds: plt.errorbar(accuracies[NUM_ROUND_KEY], accuracies[ACCURACY_KEY], stds[ACCURACY_KEY]) else: plt.plot(accuracies[NUM_ROUND_KEY], accuracies[ACCURACY_KEY]) percentile_10 = stat_metrics.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY, as_index=False).quantile(0.1) percentile_90 = stat_metrics.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY, as_index=False).quantile(0.9) plt.plot(percentile_10[NUM_ROUND_KEY], percentile_10[ACCURACY_KEY], linestyle=':') plt.plot(percentile_90[NUM_ROUND_KEY], percentile_90[ACCURACY_KEY], linestyle=':') plt.legend(['Mean', '10th percentile', '90th percentile'], loc='upper left') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.xlabel('Round Number') _set_plot_properties(kwargs)
def _weighted_mean(df, metric_name, weight_name): d = df[metric_name] w = df[weight_name] try: return (w * d).sum() / w.sum() except ZeroDivisionError: return np.nan def _weighted_std(df, metric_name, weight_name): d = df[metric_name] w = df[weight_name] try: weigthed_mean = (w * d).sum() / w.sum() return (w * ((d - weigthed_mean) ** 2)).sum() / w.sum() except ZeroDivisionError: return np.nan
[docs]def plot_accuracy_vs_round_number_per_client( stat_metrics, sys_metrics, max_num_clients, figsize=(15, 12), title_fontsize=16, max_name_len=10, **kwargs): """Plots the clients' test accuracy vs. the round number. Args: stat_metrics: pd.DataFrame as written by sys_metrics: pd.DataFrame as written by Allows us to know which client actually performed training in each round. If None, then no indication is given of when was each client trained. max_num_clients: Maximum number of clients to plot. figsize: Size of the plot as specified by plt.figure(). title_fontsize: Font size for the plot's title. max_name_len: Maximum length for a client's id. kwargs: Arguments to be passed to _set_plot_properties.""" # Plot accuracies per client. clients = stat_metrics[CLIENT_ID_KEY].unique()[:max_num_clients] cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet_r') plt.figure(figsize=figsize) for i, c in enumerate(clients): color = cmap(float(i) / len(clients)) c_accuracies = stat_metrics.loc[stat_metrics[CLIENT_ID_KEY] == c] plt.plot(c_accuracies[NUM_ROUND_KEY], c_accuracies[ACCURACY_KEY], color=color) plt.suptitle('Accuracy vs Round Number (Per Client)', fontsize=title_fontsize) plt.title('(Dots indicate that client was trained at that round)') plt.xlabel('Round Number') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') labels = stat_metrics[[CLIENT_ID_KEY, NUM_SAMPLES_KEY]].drop_duplicates() labels = labels.loc[labels[CLIENT_ID_KEY].isin(clients)] labels = ['%s, %d' % (row[CLIENT_ID_KEY][:max_name_len], row[NUM_SAMPLES_KEY]) for _, row in labels.iterrows()] plt.legend(labels, title='client id, num_samples', loc='upper left') # Plot moments in which the clients were actually used for training. # To do this, we need the system metrics (to know which client actually performed training in each round). if sys_metrics is not None: for i, c in enumerate(clients[:max_num_clients]): color = cmap(float(i) / len(clients)) c_accuracies = stat_metrics.loc[stat_metrics[CLIENT_ID_KEY] == c] c_computation = sys_metrics.loc[sys_metrics[CLIENT_ID_KEY] == c] c_join = pd.merge(c_accuracies, c_computation, on=NUM_ROUND_KEY, how='inner') if not c_join.empty: plt.plot( c_join[NUM_ROUND_KEY], c_join[ACCURACY_KEY], linestyle='None', marker='.', color=color, markersize=18) _set_plot_properties(kwargs)
[docs]def plot_bytes_written_and_read(sys_metrics, rolling_window=10, figsize=(10, 8), title_fontsize=16, **kwargs): """Plots the cumulative sum of the bytes written and read by the server. Args: sys_metrics: pd.DataFrame as written by rolling_window: Number of previous rounds to consider in the cumulative sum. figsize: Size of the plot as specified by plt.figure(). title_fontsize: Font size for the plot's title. kwargs: Arguments to be passed to _set_plot_properties.""" plt.figure(figsize=figsize) server_metrics = sys_metrics.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY, as_index=False).sum() rounds = server_metrics[NUM_ROUND_KEY] server_metrics = server_metrics.rolling(rolling_window, on=NUM_ROUND_KEY, min_periods=1).sum() plt.plot(rounds, server_metrics['bytes_written'], alpha=0.7) plt.plot(rounds, server_metrics['bytes_read'], alpha=0.7) plt.title('Bytes Written and Read by Server vs. Round Number', fontsize=title_fontsize) plt.xlabel('Round Number') plt.ylabel('Bytes') plt.legend(['Bytes Written', 'Bytes Read'], loc='upper left') _set_plot_properties(kwargs)
[docs]def plot_client_computations_vs_round_number( sys_metrics, aggregate_window=20, max_num_clients=20, figsize=(25, 15), title_fontsize=16, max_name_len=10, range_rounds=None): """Plots the clients' local computations against round number. Args: sys_metrics: pd.DataFrame as written by aggregate_window: Number of rounds that are aggregated. e.g. If set to 20, then rounds 0-19, 20-39, etc. will be added together. max_num_clients: Maximum number of clients to plot. figsize: Size of the plot as specified by plt.figure(). title_fontsize: Font size for the plot's title. max_name_len: Maximum length for a client's id. range_rounds: Tuple representing the range of rounds to be plotted. The rounds are subsampled before aggregation. If None, all rounds are considered.""" plt.figure(figsize=figsize) num_rounds = sys_metrics[NUM_ROUND_KEY].max() clients = sys_metrics[CLIENT_ID_KEY].unique()[:max_num_clients] comp_matrix = [] matrix_keys = [c[:max_name_len] for c in clients] for c in clients: client_rows = sys_metrics.loc[sys_metrics[CLIENT_ID_KEY] == c] client_rows = client_rows.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY, as_index=False).sum() client_computations = [0 for _ in range(num_rounds)] for i in range(num_rounds): computation_row = client_rows.loc[client_rows[NUM_ROUND_KEY] == i] if not computation_row.empty: client_computations[i] = computation_row.iloc[0][LOCAL_COMPUTATIONS_KEY] comp_matrix.append(client_computations) if range_rounds: assert range_rounds[0] >= 0 and range_rounds[1] > 0 assert range_rounds[0] <= range_rounds[1] assert range_rounds[0] < len(comp_matrix[0]) and range_rounds[1] < len(comp_matrix[0]) + 1 assert range_rounds[1] - range_rounds[0] >= aggregate_window new_comp_matrix = [] for i in range(len(comp_matrix)): new_comp_matrix.append(comp_matrix[i][range_rounds[0]:range_rounds[1]]) comp_matrix = new_comp_matrix agg_comp_matrix = [] for c_comp_vals in comp_matrix: num_rounds = len(c_comp_vals) agg_c_comp_vals = [] for i in range(num_rounds // aggregate_window): agg_c_comp_vals.append( np.sum(c_comp_vals[i * aggregate_window:(i + 1) * aggregate_window])) agg_comp_matrix.append(agg_c_comp_vals) plt.title( 'Total Client Computations (FLOPs) vs. Round Number (x %d)' % aggregate_window, fontsize=title_fontsize) im = plt.imshow(agg_comp_matrix) plt.yticks(range(len(matrix_keys)), matrix_keys) plt.colorbar(im, fraction=0.02, pad=0.01)
[docs]def get_longest_flops_path(sys_metrics): """Prints the largest amount of flops required to complete training. To calculate this metric, we: 1. For each round, pick the client that required the largest amount of local training. 2. Sum the FLOPS from the clients picked in step 1 across rounds. TODO: This metric would make more sense with seconds instead of FLOPS. Args: sys_metrics: pd.DataFrame as written by""" num_rounds = sys_metrics[NUM_ROUND_KEY].max() clients = sys_metrics[CLIENT_ID_KEY].unique() comp_matrix = [] for c in clients: client_rows = sys_metrics.loc[sys_metrics[CLIENT_ID_KEY] == c] client_rows = client_rows.groupby(NUM_ROUND_KEY, as_index=False).sum() client_computations = [0 for _ in range(num_rounds)] for i in range(num_rounds): computation_row = client_rows.loc[client_rows[NUM_ROUND_KEY] == i] if not computation_row.empty: client_computations[i] = computation_row.iloc[0][LOCAL_COMPUTATIONS_KEY] comp_matrix.append(client_computations) comp_matrix = np.asarray(comp_matrix) num_flops = np.sum(np.max(comp_matrix, axis=0)) return '%.2E' % Decimal(num_flops.item())